Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai actor Deepesh Bhan passed away on July 23. His shocking demise left his fans and friends devastated. The popular actor was 41 years old. According to media reports, Deepesh, collapsed while playing cricket in his building in Dahisar. Reportedly he passes away due to a brain haemorrhage. The actor is survived by his  wife, one-year-old son and mother. Deepesh Bhan funeral was attended by his family and the entire Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai team.
Rohitashv Gour, Aasif Sheikh, Anup Upadhyay, Rohitash Gaud, Vaibhav Mathur and other celebs were seen arriving to pay their last respects to the late actor. Deepesh’s wife was inconsolable and so was his co-star Vaibhav who laid the role of his friend Teeka in the show.
Check out the pictures and videos of Deepesh Bhan funeral here:
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