Divya Bhatnagar died on December 7 after suffering a cardiac arrest. She had contracted Coronavirus and after her condition worsened she was put on a ventilator. But, Divya’s close friend Devoleena Bhattacharjee recently claimed that Divya had suffered a lot of mental and physical torture from her husband Gagan Sethi that she did have the will to fight back in this deadly pandemic.
Devoleena took to her Instagram account to share an audio clip of Divya talking about suffering form domestic violence and breaking down on call with Devoleena. Devoleena wrote in the caption, “@mumbaipolice @idevbhatnagar And we still wait for the crime to happen..and log bas tamaashe dekhne baithe rehte hai…that criminal is roaming wherever he feels like and asking to support him..how shameless and insensitive one can be… This criminal should be behind the bars asap. Divya’s many so called well wishers and friends..kahan ho bhai tum log…Rehne ko jagah nahi toh divya ka ghar,khaana divya ka,sab divya ka…Aaj saanp sungh gaya tum sabko…Selfish & worthless people you are..crocodile tears barsa k gufa mein chup gaye sab…(sic)”
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Earlier, Divya’s brother Devashish had opened up to Times of India, that he had found a note in his sister’s cupboard in which Divya had written about Gagan torturing her. He had also said that his family is planning to file a case against Gagan.
Stay tuned to this space for more updates on this.