Devoleena Bhattacharjee is having the best of her time right now. The actress recently flew to her hometown Guwahati in Assam to spend quality time with her family. While leaving for Assam, the actress had expressed her joy to finally get a chance to visit her hometown. She had not met her family for a year, and now when she is with them in Assam her happiness knows no bounds.
Known to be quite active on social media, Devoleena leaves no chance to give glimpses of her life to her fans. However, a recent video of her has gone viral. Are you wondering what’s so special about it? Well, in the clip, Devoleena Bhattacharjee is doing the traditional Bihu dance. Yes, Devoleena Bhattacharjee flaunted her dancing skills as she did the Bihu dance on reaching Assam.
“When in home town ‘Assam’ Bihu dance is a must, an elated Devoleena wrote. She shared a clip, where she is all smiling as she performs the Bihu dance on what looks like a foot overbridge. Devoleena looked beautiful in an ethnic. Dolled up in a traditional Mekhela saree as she exuded all ‘desi girl’ vibes. She completed her look with long golden drop earrings and a red bindi. Devoleena also shared pictures of her beautiful outfit and her family time. Fans couldn’t stop gushing over her, and showered her with praises.
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Meanwhile, Devoleena Bhattacharjee was last seen in Bigg Boss 14 as the proxy of Eijaz Khan. She also reprised her role as Gopi Bahu in Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2, but it was a short stint. She recently grabbed eyeballs as she opened up about her love life. Devo revealed that she is dating someone, and they’re planning to get married soon next year. However, she refrained from unveiling details of her boyfriend.
What are your thoughts on Devoleena Bhattacharjee performing the Bihu dance? Did you like it? Let us know.