It was on April 2 this year that popular TV actor Dheeraj Dhoopar and wife Vinny Arora Dhoopar announced the big news of their pregnancy. The duo were sharing a kiss along with pictures from their sonogram in the announcement pic and ever since they shared the big news, their fans were all left ecstatic waiting for Baby Dhoopar to arrive in this world.
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Since then, Dheeraj Dhoopar and Vinny Arora Dhoopar have been setting some major pregnancy goals. Their social media is full of pictures and videos celebrating this new phase of their life. The couple has taken vacations during this while and in May they had a lavish baby shower.
However, at that time some of their closest friends weren’t able to attend it. Thus, this Sunday all those friends threw a second impromptu baby shower for the expecting couple and the pictures and videos from there are a testament to the great time they all had together. Amongst the attendees were couple Sanaya Irani and Mohit Sehgal, Riddhi Dogra, Akshay Dogra and some more of their friends.
Sharing the pictures, Vinny wrote, “#babydhoopar had the warmest, sweetest, love filled sunday with aunts & uncles who couldn’t make it to our baby shower, hence decided to bring the baby shower home… Thank you just isn’t enough to express the joy we felt yesterday, the yummy food, the fun games, all the lovely gifts & warmest energy… Going to say it anyway, thank you @iridhidogra @iakshaydogra @sakshi0801 @sanayairani @itsmohitsehgal @hegdeg Pashmin & Barun , happy to have you guys (sic)”.Â
Check out the pictures and videos here:
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The group enjoyed some sangria while also playing a game of suggesting baby names for the couple. The names that came up included some interested ones like Alizeh, Bianca, Janhvi, Enayat and some unique ones like Babylon, Darling and Freya as well, amongst many more but the would-be-dad seemed particularly interested in the name Alizeh.
Everyone brought some amazing gifts for the would-be-parents as well including Riddhi’s gift which was a breast pump. It was indeed a great day amongst these friends, and going by the name suggestions, looks like the couple is hoping to have a daughter. Meanwhile, it has just increased the excitement for the arrival of Baby Dhoopar and irrespective of a boy or a girl, that baby is surely going to have not just amazing parents but also some fun-loving uncles and aunts as well.
Also Read: Dheeraj Dhoopar shares adorable pics with wife Vinny on her birthday as he makes a special promise