Dil Dosti Dance aka D3 actress Vrinda Dawda had her fans eagerly waiting to announce the arrival of her baby. Well, Vrinda Dawda has finally welcomed a gorgeous baby boy with husband Bhavin and she made the official announcement with a heart-melting video. Vrinda is yet to reveal the face of her newborn and his name too but her fans have been flooding in congratulatory messages and love. Vrinda took to her Instagram account and shared a video in which she was seen with her husband Bhavin bursting a black balloon that was filled with blue confetti revealing that it’s a boy. Vrinda was seen wearing a white Dungaree flaunting her baby bump in the video. The D3 actress also said that since the couple did not know the gender of the baby so they made videos for both- a girl and boy.
Sharing the video she wrote, “Week 40 : June 30’ 2021 : Our Due Date the wait is finally over, we welcomed our lil one into the world and life made sense the moment we saw the baby??P.S : obviously we did not know the gender of the baby, so this was shot a while back in both BLUE and PINK concept to give the big announcement??? #sweetlilbabyboy #surrealmoment #newmeaningtolife #mywholeworld #myheartbeat #officiallyparents #teamblue(sic)”
Check out the adorable video below:
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Last month, the actress had her baby shower and shared many videos and pictures from it. Vrinda’s baby shower was a surprise function for her and she was elated to see the arrangements.
We congratulate the happy couple on the great news and cant wait to see their gorgeous baby boy.