Renowned television actress Shilpa Anand, who has changed her name to Ohanna Shivanand, has been hitting the headlines today for some unusual reason. Apparently, the ‘Dill Mill Gaye’ actress posted a cryptic message on her Facebook handle in which she is accusing her sister’s mother-in-law of a murder attempt.
As per a report in, Shilpa’s fans were left shocked after reading her Facebook post. In which, she revealed that she has been going through mental trauma. The publication has also shared the screenshot of her post which has been now deleted from the actress’ official handle. Check out her post right here.
Ohanna Shivanand is quite active on her social media handles and she often shares lovely pictures on her Instagram. She never fails to update her fans with whatever she does in her life.
On the work front, Shilpa Anand (who portrayed the role of Riddhima Gupta in Star One’s ‘Dill Mill Gayye’) has been missing from television shows for a while now.
We hope that she finds peace and justice is served to all.
For more such updates, stay tuned to Bollywood Bubble.
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