Television couple Shoaib Ibrahim and Dipika Kakar recently went to the former’s hometown Maudaha, Uttar Pradesh. They have shared glimpses of some of their great moments from their trip with their fans on social media. Dipika and Shoaib travelled via train to their hometown. Shoaib’s sister Saba also accompanied them. They celebrated Saba’s birthday on the train. They shared pics from the birthday celebrations. Dipika and Shoaib had experienced cold weather in Uttar Pradesh. The couple shared a picture enjoying a cup of tea and chatting with their relatives. “Mausam ka lutf uthate hue”, they captioned the pic.
Shoaib and Dipika also went to the farmlands and the former also drove a tractor in the farm. He had sugarcanes and Dipika was seen feeding the cattle. They also danced on the song ‘Aisa desh hai mera’ in a video.
Dipika and Shoaib shell out major couple goals with their romantic pics and videos. They were seen romancing and posing for pictures in ‘sarson ke khet’. Earlier too, we have seen them displaying their love for each other in the field.
Take a look at the pics here.
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Dipika posted a reel on her Instagram handle, where she was seen dancing and running around in ‘sarson ke khet’. It looks like some scene from Bollywood movie.Â
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Dipika and Shoaib taking a tour in the farmland.
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From the pics and videos, it’s clear that they had the best of time on their trip. They are already missing their memorable journey.
Stay tuned for more such updates on telly stars.
Also Read: Dipika Kakar and Shoaib Ibrahim: 5 times the adorable couple painted the town red with their romance