Actress Disha Parmar has tied the knot with singer and Bigg Boss 14 finalist Rahul Vaidya on July 16. The pictures and videos from the wedding are out. Fans are going gaga to see the couple and they are showering with their love and good wishes. Disha’s pictures as Rahul’s bride are out and oh boy, she looked drop-dead gorgeous in a red lehenga. She wore heavily embellished jewellery with traditional chuda and kaleeres.Â
Take a look at Disha’s pictures here.
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The couple has already exchanged rings in presence of their families and close ones. The couple couldn’t take their eyes off each other. Rahul was dressed in an ivory sherwani. Rahul’s Bigg Boss co-contestants and good friends, Aly Goni and Jasmin Bhasin were also in attendance. The videos and pictures from DisHul’s wedding have gone viral.
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Rahul and Disha will have a wedding reception on Saturday. While talking about their honeymoon plans, Rahul told ETimes, “We haven’t decided on a place yet, because after the wedding we just want to relax for a week and not do anything. Also, I have some prior commitments to finish first post the wedding. That’s why we are not rushing into it. We will probably go for our honeymoon sometime later. However, when we do, we will go to some place in Europe, say Switzerland or Austria.”
Stay tuned to this space as we will update you with more pictures and videos from Rahul and Disha’s wedding.
Also Read: Rahul Vaidya-Disha Parmar Wedding: Groom arrives in style, dances his heart out with baaratis; watch