Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar left this world for her heavenly abode on February 6. After the news about Lata Mangeshkar’s sad demise made it to the headlines, several celebrities from the entertainment industry offered their condolences, some in-person, while others on the internet. Celebrities Amitabh Bachchan, Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar, Priyanka Chopra, Anushka Sharma, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and many others took to their respective social media accounts to condole the death of Lata Mangeshkar. Yeh Hai Mohabbatein fame Divyanka Tripathi also made a tweet on her Twitter and offered her condolences. She paid a tribute in a touching post. However, in return, a netizen accused Divyanka Tripathi of copying the condolence message for Lata Mangeshkar.
The actress has now replied to the troll and given back a befitting reply. Shutting down the troll who accused her of copying the condolence message for Lata Mangeshkar, Divyanka reacted and wrote, “Thanks for ‘very indirectly’ indicating that I write well. Tumhare tiraskaar mein meri tareef hai! (sic).”
For the unversed, the netizen had reacted to the tweet made by Divyanka on Twitter, condoling the death of the singing legend. Accusing the actress, the netizen had tweeted, “From where u copied these lines.”
Take a look at the tweet below:
Thanks for ‘very indirectly’ indicating that I write well.
Tumhare tiraskaar mein meri tareef hai! https://t.co/JxBj7popVO— Divyanka T Dahiya (@Divyanka_T) February 7, 2022
Earlier, after Lata Mangeshkar’s demise, Tripathi had shared a picture of the singing legend from her childhood and had offered her condolences. She had tweeted, “You have left our nation in a void today Lata ji. Art historians will study your work and your songs will live for centuries to come. You were an era of musical evolution India saw from before independence till date, that has come to an end today. RIP Sushri Lata Mangeshkar ji (sic).”
See the tweet below:
You have left our nation in a void today Lata ji.?
Art historians will study your work and your songs will live for centuries to come. You were an era of musical evolution India saw from before independence till date, that has come to an end today.
RIP Sushri Lata Mangeshkar ji pic.twitter.com/PpNO7E1ikD— Divyanka T Dahiya (@Divyanka_T) February 6, 2022
Lata Mangeshkar passed away at 92. She breathed her last in Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital. Her last rites took place at Dadar’s Shivaji Park, with state honors. Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi, honorable Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, and other renowned names attended the singing legend’s funeral.