Divyanka Tripathi left fans surprised and happy when she revealed that she is turning into a host for Crime Patrol. It was back in December 2020, that the actress donned the hosts’ cap for the special edition, Crime Patrol Satark: Women Against Crimes. From her storytelling andaaz to her intense look and feel, Divyanka Tripathi instantly won hearts as she anchored several episodes of Crime Patrol.
However now, there’s a piece of sad news for her lovers. Well soon, Divyanka Tripathi will longer be seen on Crime Patrol. Shocked? As saddening as it may be, Divyanka’s stint in Crime Patrol was short, and she will soon bid adieu to the viewers. In a recent interview with the Times of India, Divyanka Tripathi opened up about her stint coming to an end on Crime Patrol. She revealed that it was meant to be a short stint, and she took it up to experiment.
“My series with Crime Patrol may end by the end of this month. It was always going to be a short stint. I did it for a change. I was thrilled that I was getting a chance to talk about women empowerment. There have even been certain episodes where I have been moved a lot and given my inputs regarding the content, including some end links and solutions,” Divyanka told TOI.
Further, the actress also spoke about her awe-inspiring looks and traditional outfits that she donned for Crime Patrol. Divyanka received a lot of appreciation for her ‘desi looks’ from her fans. Initially, she was told that her looks won’t be exciting as it is a crime-based show. But, Divyanka ensured to add her own touch, making it look amazing onscreen. “I wanted to play with my look. I felt even if the topic is about crime and criminals, it’s Divyanka who’s narrating it. And when it is me who is narrating it, I don’t have to necessarily get into the reporter kind of look. I can be myself and that’s what I did,” she explained.
Take a look at some beautiful looks of Divyanka Tripathi as the host of Crime Patrol:Â
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Vivek Dahiya was also impressed by Divyanka’s looks on Crime Patrol. With Divyanka’s stint coming to an end on Crime Patrol this month, fans will again have to wait for her next project. What are your thoughts on the same? Let us know.