Drashti Dhami fans are missing her on the screens. It was back in 2019 when we saw her as a guest on Kumkum Bhagya. However, the actress has not taken a full-fledged role for the longest times. While fans are eager to see her in action, Drashti is making the most of her time with her family. Today, April 1, is a special day for Drashti Dhami and her hubby Neeraj Khemka. Why, do you ask? Well, it is the latter’s birthday.
Yes, Neeraj Khemka has turned a year older and is celebrating his ‘Happy Wala Birthday.’ On this day, how can loving wifey Drashti Dhami not make the day extra special for Neeraj Khemka? Just a few moments ago, Drashti took to her Instagram handle to shower birthday love on her dotting husband. She wished him in the sweetest way possible as she expressed her love.
Sharing a throwback photo from their recent Maldives vacation, Drashti revealed how special Neeraj is to her. She wished him all the happiness and hoped he has a fantastic birthday. ‘Happy birthday to my boy. Hope you have a fab day and you celebrate this day surrounded by the people you hold most dear ( of course that’s ME!). Love you baby. Let’s kill it tonight! You and me.” She also expressed that she loves him to the moon and back and wishes to make memories together.
Here’s how Drashti Dhami wished hubby Neeraj Khemka:Â
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Meanwhile, Drashti and Neeraj have been married for 6 long years, the couple tied the knot on February 21, 2015. Their love and romance have won many hearts. Fans love to see them getting goofy together, and are in love with their chemistry.