Ekta Kapoor has been in the news for her ALTBalaji series ‘XXX Uncensored’ Season 2. Multiple complaints have been filed against the show for allegedly showing objectionable content. A few days back former ‘Bigg Boss‘ contestant Hindustani Bhau aka Vikas Pathak had filed a police complaint against Ekta and her mother Shobha Kapoor for allegedly disrespecting Indian Army in their series. Ekta has finally broken her silence.
In a discussion with Shobha De, Malini Agrawal, Gul Panag and Gurdeep Kohli on Saturday, Ekta finally broke her silence on Hindustani Bhau lodging a complaint against her show. She said, “When we got to know that there was even an FIR lodged, we removed the content anyway because of the certification. Content aside, I don’t have any qualms in putting out an apology to the Army’s wives. We have no problems with them. What irritated me the most was that the cyberbullying started simultaneously when we had already put a stop. This gentleman thinks he’s the ‘patriot of the year’. He decided to come and abuse my mother and me, and got his trolls to do the same. We have received rape threats on a social platform.”
Ekta further added, “This is no longer about the Army or sexual content because the irony is that you’re saying you want to ‘rape a girl, son and 71-year-old mother’ for making sexual content. That means sex is bad but rape is okay?”Â
The producer also revealed that she would have apologized a long time ago as its not a big deal for her. It’s the smallest thing to do. The TV czarina said that she respects the Army. It was a fictional character, a mistake on her side which she rectified.
But, Ekta has also taken the route of standing up to cyberbullying as she feels it could happen to any girl. “Now I have decided to take the route of standing up to this cyberbullying. If they decide to put my nudes on the internet and call me by names, then they can do this to any girl,” she said during the discussion.