The cast of Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 reunited for a get-together in the city recently. Actress Shubhaavi Choksey took to her Instagram to share photos of her with Erica Fernandes, Parth Samthaan, Hina Khan, and others. The photos shared on Instagram feature the cast of Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 posing for the camera. From what it looks like, the team of KZK 2 enjoyed their time at the reunion party. In the group photos shared on Instagram, Erica Fernandes, Parth Samthaan, and Hina Khan are seen posing with Shubhaavi Choksey and others.
Taking to her Instagram, Shubhaavi Choksey shared a string of photos. In the caption, she wrote, “And we met finally@realhinakhan @iam_ejf @the_parthsamthaan @sahilanandofficial @itisariah @aakanshashukla0803 @shreya_nehal @vinitps @harshal_82 Missed you @poojabanerjeee #friends #kzk #blessed #2022 (sic)”
Choksey shared the photos and tagged Pooja Banerjee, who recently welcomed her first child, a baby girl. The actress mentioned how much the cast of Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 missed Pooja during the reunion. Reacting to the same, Pooja took to the comments section of the post and shared her thoughts. She dropped heart-filled eyes emojis in the post. Not only that, Banerjee even made another comment and wrote, “Ab sabko delhi ana padega.(Now everyone will have to come to Delhi)”
Take a look at the post below:
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Many fans also reacted to the reunion photos shared by Choksey. One commented, “I am not crying,” while another wrote, “Kzk gang reunion.” A third fan said, “No i’m not crying yeh toh khushi k anshu hai….”
Meanwhile, it was only recently that Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 actress Pooja Banerjee welcomed her first child with her husband, Sandeep Sejwal. She announced the birth of her daughter, through an Instagram post. It was only recently that Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 actors Parth Samthaan and Sahil Anand visited Pooja and her new born. Several pictures even surfaced on the internet.