Siddharth Nigam and Ashi Singh shared screen space for the first time on Aladdin Naam Toh Suna Hoga. Ashi replaced Avneet Kaur on the show. Avneet had quit Aladdin last year owing to the COVID pandemic as she felt her immunity was weak. Viewers loved Siddharth and Avneet’s chemistry and were mighty disappointed with the actress’ exit.
As Ashi Singh walked into the shoes of Yasmine replacing Avneet Singh on Aladdin, fans were not happy at first. She did not receive a warm welcome, but rather faced a lot of negativity from SidNeet fans. From comparisons of looks to chemistry, Ashi faced it all by the audience. But, gradually, she made a place of her own and won hearts as the new Yasmine.
In an exclusive chat with Bollywood Bubble, Ashi Singh opened up on dealing with trolls post replacing Avneet Kaur on Aladdin. She revealed how she handled the flak and how co-star Siddharth Nigam supported her in it. “Somewhere I was mentally prepared as I knew I was going to replace Avneet. I had initially declined the offer because I did not want to get abused for replacing someone. But when I was again offered the show, I thought maybe it is meant to be. Then, I accepted the offer, but I knew that I would be received hate from the people, and they might not accept me,” Ashi shared.
Check out Ashi Singh and Siddharth Nigam’s chat here:Â
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She continued, “However, despite all this, the viewers accepted me in a short period, and I was not expecting this. I had expected the negativity, and somewhere I used to ignore the comments and messages. To date, I receive hate comments from some people, but I let it go, as it is a part of life.”
The actress feels it has been a learning experience for her. “I also learnt one thing that even if you give your 200% there would be someone who would be unhappy with you. So, just give up on them,” Ashi concluded. Aladdin – Naam Toh Suna Hoga went off-air on February 5 this year after an entertaining journey of 2 long years.
ALSO READ: Siddharth Nigam confirms Aladdin: Naam Toh Suna Hoga to go off-air