The ongoing Bigg Boss 16 has been grabbing eyeballs ever since its inception. Sreejita De was the first contestant this season to get evicted from the house, but now the actress has entered as a wildcard on Thursday night and she is all set to show some more fire and the true faces of fellow contestants like Tina Datta and Shalin Bhanot. The fireworks started right with her re-entry as a wildcard on Bigg Boss 16, but before going inside the house again, Sreejita De indulged in an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Bubble where she threw some harsh truth bombs for her fellow contestants, including Shalin Bhanot.
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During the interaction, Sreejita was asked whether her equations are going to change with her fellow contestants after she has seen them inside the house in the last few weeks post her eviction. Responding to it, she answered in the negatory but shared her honest views on Shalin. She said, “Main jab andar thi, mera Shalin ke liye bahut zyada negative perspective tha, jo ki abhi bhi hai, but it’s not very negative. Now I feel that kahin na kahin wo banda hai bhi thoda sa fake, like in reality only he is fake. He lives in a bubble, not that he was showing it for the show. When I was inside I felt ki wo show ke liye wo sirf dikha raha hai, but kahin na kahin, kisi na kisi logon ka nature hi hota hai na aisa ki baahar bhi, without camera also, they live in a bubble. (When I was inside, I had a very negative perspective towards Shalin, which is still there but not that much. Now I feel that he is a fake person in reality only. He lives in a bubble and it wasn’t just for the show. Some people have this nature that even outside, without cameras, they live in their bubble.)”
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When asked to explain the game of Shalin in her opinion, Sreejita straightaway said, “Smart but getting lost.” Seeing the way Sreejita has gone inside and taken over everyone with a storm, she is surely going to burn some bridges and set some fire inside the house. This second stint of Sreejita inside the Bigg Boss 16 house as a wildcard is surely going to be more entertaining for the audience.