Bigg Boss OTT contestant Divya Agarwal took the trophy of the first season home. The host of the show, Karan Johar announced her name as the winner of the show, during the grand finale episode on Saturday. In an exclusive interview with us, Divya Agarwal opened up about the ‘underwear comment’. When questioned about the ‘underwear comment’ incident in the house, she reacted to the dirty underwear incident that happened after she spotted unwashed underwear lying on the sink and asked the woman who it belonged to.
Divya Agarwal said, “Underwear hai woh, gandi hai woh, aur mein bolungi. (It is an underwear, it is dirty, and I will talk about it).” She continued, “Woh phir woh ladke ki ho, ladki ki ho, kya ho, kuch nahi ho, that is a relation of cleanliness. My God, cleanliness is next to godliness. This is what we’ve been taught. (Then let it be of a woman or a man, its nothing, that is a relation of cleanliness. My God, cleanliness is next to godliness).”
The Bigg Boss OTT winner said, “Aur jab tum khud woh cheez follow nahi karte, main uss waqt nahi ladti hun jab yeh mudde uthte hai, kyunki sabko dikhna hota hai muddon mein, sab ko apne opinion dikhne hote hai, vote badhane hote hai. I don’t do all of that. It’s just there in my behavior.” She added, “Kyunki, jab tum game show mein jaate ho, tab dus log hote hai ki, aise mat bolna, media mein galat dikhega, bahar galat dikhega, yeh hoga, woh hoga, but I don’t do anything jo mujhe galat dikhaye ya sahi dikhaye. Lekin mein agar thoughts hai, main believe karti hun, bachpan se ghar mein maine yeh sab beleive karte main badi hui hun. Mujhe jis khandaan mein jaana hai shaadi karke, usme bhi main yeh belief dekhti aa rahi hun harbar, toh it is a very natural behaviour that I have. Aur woh gandi thi toh woh gandi thi. Abhi usme aapko feminism laana hai, aur mujhe misogynistic bolna hai, toh sorry Neha Bhasin, you’ve always been ‘No Filter Neha’. Toh usme darne ya sharmane ki baat hi kya hai yaar. ( ).”
Divya continued, “Woh underwear wala mudda man woman ka tha hi nahi, that was about cleanliness. Aur woh baat kitna bhi ghuma phirake karwalo, it is unacceptable. I am still disgusted with that thing.”
For the unversed, Divya got into a war of words with Shamita Shetty and Neha Bhasin in the house, after the underwear incident. Upon learning that the underwear was Neha’s, Divya called the singer ‘disgusting’ which eventually led to an exchange of words.