During the COVID 19 phase, many couples from Bollywood and the TV industry embraced parenthood. From Kareena Kapoor, Anushka Sharma to Anita Hassanandani and Kapil Sharma, many celebrities welcome their little ones. In a recent special conversation with Bollywood Bubble, Telly Town’s power couple, Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya opened up about embracing parenthood.
We asked Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya if the question of ‘when you’re having a baby’ bothers them. “Kya hum yeh keh sakte hai ke hum bohot khushnaasib hai? Only the media and fans ask us about this. Yaa toh baby kar lo yaa doggy le aao,” Divyanka laughs as she replies.
Vivek chimes in, “Mein bolta hoon doggy le aao.” But Divyanka Tripathi feels that if it’s about a kid or a doggy, she would want a baby. She shared that she likes dogs, but it is a very big responsibility. Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya also went on to share their opinions about embracing parenthood.
“As of now, we don’t want both (a baby or a dog),” Divyanka said strongly. She added, “Media and fans tell us to have a baby soon, but thankfully our families don’t force each other. My mother-in-law also tells me, ‘Beta take your time. Do it when you’re ready.”
“It is a big responsibility. My sister, my mother, everyone is quite understanding. They say, ‘Sambhalnaa tum dono ko hi hai saari zindagi, so you both should be really comfortable about it.’ We both are very lucky that way,” Divyanka said. Vivek Dahiya also agreed and said, “Yes, there’s no pressure.”
Check out Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya talking about parenthood here:Â
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