Himanshi Khurana is currently dabbling between several projects. The actress recently featured on Times Square billboard as well for her song Surma Bole. The song has been trending all across and in an exclusive chat, we asked Himanshi about her experience of shooting for Surma Bole in Dubai. We also asked Himanshi about being the highest-paid celebrity in Punjab and the engagement rumors with Asim Riaz. Himanshi also mentioned the pay disparity that she faces in the industry and her current state of mind.
When asked about the Tifanny ring she shared on Instagram a few days back, Himanshi laughed saying, “It looks like I can’t even gift myself anything.” However, the Punjab sensation then added that she likes to purchase diamonds for herself and is fond of rings. “I like to gift myself. When I went to shoot for Surma Bole, I bought myself the ring as a token of appreciation. I feel that when I have earned something, I can gift myself something.”
Regarding rumours of engagement with Asim Riaz, Himanshi Khurana said that she will clearly mention if anyone has proposed to her with a ring when the time comes. “When a husband gifts me anything, I will clearly mention it while sharing. Till then I am gifting myself everything so that the barometer for him is set already to purchase me diamonds bigger than what I already have,” Himanshi Khurana laughed while concluding.
Check out the full interview of Himanshi Khurana here:Â
Himanshi also opened up about shooting for her song Surma Bole in Dubai. She mentioned that most of the styling for the song was her inputs and that she finds it very comfortable to try different things. Himanshi also opened up on her mental state that she is alone handling several things and that does stress her out but she is coping up well.
ALSO READ: Himanshi Khurana rings in her birthday with beau Asim Riaz- view inside pics and videos of her bash
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