Bigg Boss season 15 has ended with Tejasswi Prakash winning the trophy. Shamita Shetty who was a strong contestant went on to become the fourth runner-up of Bigg Boss 15. On the show, Shamita had to face many difficult situations that she faced with a serene calm and was applauded by fans for it. The beauty who played a strong game made sure to not compromise on her values for the game. She maintained her dignity when Tejaswi and Karan Kundrra age shamed her.
For the unversed Tejasswi had called Shamita aunty after an argument during a task. Later Karan had defended his girlfriend for her comments by telling Shamita that it was said in jest.
In an exclusive chat with Bollywood Bubble, Shamita Shetty spoke in length about Bigg Boss 15, Tejasswi winning the show, her marriage plans and also opened up on Karan Kundrra coming in defence of Tejasswi who had age shamed her.
Shamita said, “Well it’s then very convenient, you don’t change what you stand for or what you believe in as per your convenience. I mean there are certain basics that don’t change. What you think is wrong, is wrong in any given situation. You know I was actually shocked and surprised with Karan because I expected better. I saw a very different side to him at the beginning of the show, I think we really bonded, unfortunately after that for obvious reasons that friendship could not grow because of Tejaswi. Because he was afraid of Tejasswi or whatever. The process of being told time and again that he is not taking a stand, I think he started taking a stand for all the wrong things.”
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She added, “He is a sensible guy, I expected a little more maturity and sensitivity from him. I did tell him this and he also admitted you know when he called Pratik’s mother stupid. He admitted that it was wrong, so I could not for the life of me understand why he was trying to justify aunty. Was it because he had also called me aunty before. So in my world when you apologise, when you say sorry it ends there. Stop giving justifications. Also, don’t say stupid senseless stuff like it’s a phrase, it’s slang. I am sorry what dictionary are you reading because I don’t own that dictionary. I certainly don’t want to learn that lingo or use it on another woman being a woman.”
You can watch the full interview of Shamita Shetty here.