Shivin Narang recently collaborated with Nia Sharma for Neha Kakkar and Tony Kakkar’s Gale Lagana Hai. The song is currently being receiving lots of love and admiration with Shivin and Nia’s pairing working wonders. In an exclusive chat, when we asked Shivin on working with Nia, he said that she was a bundle of joy to work with. He also opened up on donning the army uniform for the song.
“It was fun. Nia is a bundle of joy to work with. Playing an army man made me feel patriotic. It was a dejavu feeling. The response for the video is fantastic and the feedback for our pairing is very good,” Shivin Narang said while speaking about the song. The song was shot in a freezing weather but the outcome is what Shivin added that he is very happy about.
He also opened up on wanting to play an army man in a project for a long time. “This song shows the love, bond and sacrifice of a soldier, their partner and their family for the nation. Honestly after wearing the uniform it has given me sense of patriotism, responsibility, respect and love for the nation,” he exclaimed and added, “I am happy the audience and fans accepted me in this role i wish i play an army officer in some project for a long time.”
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