Siddharth Nigam is a national-level gymnast, an actor, an influencer, and a social media star. Hailing from Allahabad, Siddharth Nigam has managed to achieve a lot in his career at a very young age but everything was not hunky-dory for him. After losing his dad young, Siddharth took up gymnastics to take away the financial load from his family, he went on to wonders with it. He later bagged a Bourvita ad which paved his way into showbiz. From there, he bagged Dhoom 3 and after a sabbatical, took up Television offers. Today, Siddharth is one of the most sought-after celebrities. He spoke about his struggling days in a candid chat and opened up on losing his father young, financial woes, and wanting to do a big film.
“When I was pretty young, in a small town in Allahabad, no one expected anything out of me. I was not a brilliant student or anything. I had no dreams as such. But, when I lost my father very young, it felt like we had nothing left. Everything came on my mother then but it was difficult. There were times when we missed a meal because we did not have money,” recalled Siddharth in an emotional interview. He revealed how he took up gymnastics as he was good at the sport. “Plus, since I ended up being nice at the sport, I was provided hostel room and food there, so that meant, one financial load on my mother,” Siddharth Nigam added.
Check out the exclusive chat with Siddharth Nigam here:Â
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Siddharth Nigam revealed how the circumstances forced him to mature earlier but everything has been a turning point for him where he learned. Siddharth also revealed that he doesn’t look at his struggle with any regret. He shared that he wants something interesting on the web and is looking forward to doing a big movie. He also stressed the fact that the differentiation between a TV and a film actor needs to be gone because an actor is an actor.
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