Former Miss India Rochelle Rao has come a long way in her career as an actor. The actress is currently winning the hearts of many with her character as Lottery on The Kapil Sharma Show. Rochelle enjoys a massive fan base on social media and never fails to motivate everyone. On the occasion of Women’s Day 2022, we spoke to Rochelle. In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Bubble, Rochelle Rao opened up about how she plans to spend the day, the role model in her life, facing pay parity, and more.
How do you plan on celebrating Women’s day?
So, there is an NGO that I support, called Vision Rescue. And they majorly focus on educating and feeding children from underprivileged homes, but they also focus on getting the children out from the places. What they also do is focus on the rest of the family. The mothers of the children also get skill training. They teach them how to make the product and how to run their own business. So, on Women’s day, we are calling some of the women whose small businesses are doing well and we’re going to give them some gifts to commemorate their journey so far. So, it is our way to give back to society. That’s the plan for Women’s Day.
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What has been the role of women in your life? Growing up, who was has been the role model in your life?Â
I would want to say that it has been my mother. She was a simple housewife, but she was one of those people who like every other housewife ran many jobs. What I really appreciate about my mom is that even though she was a housewife, from the time when we were very small children, my sister and I, she always motivated us, to chase our dreams. Whatever we wanted to do, she put that time and energy for us to go and try our hand. She always believed that we should do something. It was my mother’s dream to see me as a Miss India. And I guess, a mother’s prayers always come true in the end. But, for me, my role model is my mom. My grandmom, from my father’s side, she is another person who inspires me. She was again a housewife, but she got a sanction and started schools, for women from underprivileged homes. I have two strong women in my family who have shown me how to empower women within your circle and women outside your circle.Â
Women are empowering society today. Despite that, there have been actresses who have opened up about pay disparity. What are your thoughts on equal pay for men and women?
I think, that as women in the industry, a lot of women have turned down films because they were not paid what their counterparts are getting paid. And the problem is that when a woman says that, she is asking for the moon. But, a man can ask for the moon. So, I feel that, for this to change, it should come from the men in the industry. It would take a few men to get more courage to come up there and stand up. Because somebody has to start somewhere. As long as there are women, who are going to turn down films, there are also going to be other women, who will take it up, and we can’t blame them either. I think it has to be men now who need to make that difference.
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Have you been a victim of it? Have you faced pay disparity during your career?
The women get paid well in the television industry. But, Yes. I have faced it in my non-fiction work. I think in the fiction space it’s fine, but in the non-fiction space, yes, I have faced it.
We all love gifts, talking about the same, did you receive anything special from your husband Keith during Women’s day last year?
Honestly, I do not expect anything. To be honest, it’s because, he (Keith Sequeira) is somebody who is like that on every day. He is one person who is always being a gentleman. He always pushes me in terms of my work and my dreams, more than I do, for myself.Â
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Any interesting projects you have?
I am working on a digital film. There is something that is not yet in the media. We haven’t finished shooting yet. We are also looking up with lot of our own content too, soon.Â
The OTT space has broadened the horizons for actors. What are your thoughts on that?Â
I think it’s brilliant. It has given everyone the space to get into the niche that they want to get into. The good thing is that anybody who has a great idea has access to put it through.
Any special message for the women out there on Women’s Day?
My message would be ‘Keep working hard. Keep breaking barriers. Always support other women, uphold other women. Don’t tear each other down. And let’s continue to make our country a safer, better place for women in our country.’Â
Meanwhile, Rochelle is currently featuring on The Kapil Sharma Show. Quite often, the actress shares photos and videos of her from the sets of the show.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Rochelle Rao on returning to The Kapil Sharma Show, meeting Anayra, bond with team