Gauahar Khan lost her father, Zafar Ahmed Khan, merely five days ago on March 5. The actress is reeling in pain and is trying to come to terms with the loss. However, she was recently left aghast at some media reports that spread fake news of her pregnancy. Yes, rumours of Gauahar Khan being pregnant merely 3 months after her marriage with Zaid Darbar have been floating. The pregnancy speculations have left Gauahar Khan extremely irked.
Just a few moments ago, Gauahar Khan took to her Twitter handle reacting to her pregnancy rumours. She lashed out at a media publication for spreading such false news. She is angered at the sheer insensitivity of media reports. Gauahar Khan also clarified about her pregnancy and revealed that she is not pregnant.
The media report states, “Gauahar Khan who got married to a Zaid Darbar, a choreographer who is 12 years younger than her, is pregnant after three months of their wedding.”
Blasting the media report, Gauahar wrote, “Tumhara dimaag kharaab hai ! Aur facts bhi . 12 saal chote waali galat news hui purani, so get ur facts right before typing! I’ve just lost my dad so have some sensitivity towards ur baseless reports. I am not pregnant, thank you very much!”
Meanwhile, on Women’s Day, Gauahar Khan penned a heartwarming note for her husband Zaida Darbar and late father. She credited them for making her the strong woman she is today. “I love you both so much! Pappa I miss you!,” Gauahar expressed.
Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar tied the knot in a traditional wedding in Mumbai on December 25. Their wedding was a private affair with only their family and close friends in attendance.
Here’s how Gauahar Khan busted her fake pregnancy rumour:Â
[caption id="attachment_993065" align="aligncenter" width="978"] Gauahar Khan blasts false reports on her pregnancy.[/caption]
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