On the occasion of Ramadan, television actor Gautam Rode wished his fans by sharing some pictures from his Ajmer Sharif dargah visit. In those pics, the actor and his wife Pankhuri Awasthy posed happily in front of the dargah. However, the actor was slammed by netizens for flouting lockdown rules and not maintaining social distancing. The actor slammed the trolls by clarifying that he had shared throwback pics.
Taking to his Instagram handle, Gautam shared a few pics and wrote, “Ramadan Mubarak friends ? @pankhuri313Â #AjmerSharif dargah ??(sic)” You can check his post below.
Soon one of the users bashing the actor commented, “I don’t see why it is so necessary to go out and worship God, when u can just do it inside. This is violating laws. Also not acceptable from someone an influencer like you. This is wrong. U and many others behind u in the crowd should just stay home and celebrate Ramadan and keeps others safe too.(sic)”
‘Saraswatichandra’ actor soon clarified, “It’s an old picture…When there was no lockdown and social distancing”. Immediately another user pointed at the actor’s mask and said, “Why there is a mask?” The actor cooly answered, “Because Corona scare in India started in February what’s why the masks..”
You can check out a screenshot of their conversation below:
Even on Twitter, some users asked the actor about how he is visited dargah amidst the lockdown, to which he replied, “Boss poorani Picture hain .. lockdown se bahut pehle ki .. jab kahin bhi jaane ki koi pabandi nahi thi .. Please know the facts before you unnecessary comment on someone’s picture.”
Boss poorani Picture hain .. lockdown se bahut pehle ki .. jab kahin bhi jaane ki koi pabandi nahi thi .. Please know the facts before you unnecessary comment on someone’s picture.
— Gautam Rode (@gautam_rode) April 24, 2020
Well, let’s hope the trolls have received satisfactory answers and they would stop unnecessarily slamming the actor just for sharing some throwback pics.
Also Read: Ramadan 2020: Hina Khan, Dipika Kakar and Shoaib Ibrahim wish fans Ramadan Kareem- view pics
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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