Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, actors like Sonu Sood and Gurmeet Choudhary emerged as real-life heroes. They went pillar to posts to help the needy ones. Now taking his inspiration from messiah Sonu, the Ramayan actor has launched his own foundation which aims to help the people. The Geet actor also succeeded in arranging oxygen concentrators donated by India Club of Jakarta, Indonesia. Read on to know the details.
Gurmeet’s contribution towards Covid-19 relief work is commendable. The actor not only has been helping in fighting against this deadly virus but also has been preparing to strengthen the future of the health care system of the nation.

He has now successfully arranged for oxygen concentrators with the help of India Club Jakarta (Indonesia) and in association with Medscape India, a fellow organisation working for providing relief for COVID-19 (Radiologist, Founder Chairperson Dr Sunita Dube) and Gurmeet Choudhary Foundation. The oxygen concentrators have now reached India and will surely go a long way in the COVID-19 campaign. It will be provided to rural areas which are currently facing a difficult time.

With the help of India Club Jakarta, a nonprofit organization, functioning as Perkumpulan (Association) in Jakarta-Indonesia, Gurmeet and his team has managed to bring the oxygen concentrators in India.

The India Club Jakarta works in close cooperation with Indian Embassy in Jakarta and also acts as a bridge for the India-Indonesia people and has been working relentlessly towards community welfare. The India Club along with Medscape India has played an important role in getting the oxygen concentrators in India from Indonesia.
Keeping his promise to his fans, Gurmeet has also launched the Gurmeet Choudhary Foundation, an association that aims to help needy people. This is indeed a great way to extend help amidst the Covid crisis. Hopefully, more real heroes like Gurmeet and Sonu will step forward to help the nation during this time of crisis.
Also Read: Sonu Sood praises Gurmeet Choudhary for helping out during Covid-19; says, ‘keep bringing smiles’