The sequined saree will never go out of fashion as long as it continues to be endorsed by Bollywood’s top stars. Many celebrities, like Kareena Kapoor, Janhvi Kapoor, Malaika Arora wear the elegant sartorial piece created by designer Manish Malhotra, whether for a red carpet event or to attend family events. Hina Khan has now joined this list with her newest appearance in a custom shimmering piece, and we are really smitten. Hina Khan recently made an appearance as a guest on the sets of Bigg Boss OTT in Mumbai.Â
She used Instagram to post images of herself from a photoshoot. She dressed up for the shoot in a sequined saree by Manish Malhotra. In the caption, she referred to herself as ‘Param Sundari,’ and we can’t deny it. “Param Sundari, Desi girl. Oh wait wait not talking about myself…These were just the intro songs they played for me…And anyway what’s the point of stating the Obvious. Wearing @manishmalhotra05 @manishmalhotrajewellery. I love you Manish,” Hina captioned the pictures.
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The saree, which was embellished with a shimmering blue sequined design, had patti borders with feather embellishments. The pallu of the saree was additionally embellished with light blue feathers on the hemline. Â
This detail effortlessly blended ethnic and contemporary feel. Hina complemented her saree with a backless blouse adorned with big sequins. The sleeveless bralette had a plunging neckline.
Hina completed her ethnic outfit with a thick choker necklace. Open, middle-parted tresses styled in soft waves, shimmery smoky eye shadow, berry-toned lip shade, on-fleek eyebrows, mascara-laden lashes, blushed cheeks, dewy skin, and sleek eyeliner completed Hina’s glam.
Meanwhile, Hina was most recently seen in the music video Patthar Wargi and Bedard. Her film, Lines, was also just released and received positive reviews from critics.
Also Read: Hina Khan will make you skip a heartbeat as she turns on vintage vibes in new photoshoot