Malaika Arora is currently judging the dance reality show ‘India’s Best Dancer’ along with choreographers Terence Lewis and Geeta Kapur. The show premiered on February 29 on Sony Entertainment Television. In most of the reality shows, we have seen contestants telling about their journey and struggles but on this reality show, Malaika opened up about her struggling days and broke down on the sets while talking about it.
As reported by Zoom TV, during the audition, a contestant talked about her life and how her father left the family when she was just 2 years old and then her mother had to be both father and mother for her and her younger sister. Later, the contestant’s mother also came on the stage and said that her husband used to beat her that led to their separation. After hearing this touching story, Malaika couldn’t control her tears and she recalled her old days of struggling. Malaika said that she also wanted to be a dancer while growing up. When she was 11 years old, her parents got divorced and her mother raised Malaika and her younger sister Amrita Arora.
Malaika turned emotional and Terence came to comfort her. Malaika was able to relate to the contestant’s story and broke down. It is very rare we have seen Malaika talking about her personal life.
Prior to an actress, Malaika was a model. She rose to fame with item songs like ‘Chaiyya Chaiyya’, ‘Hoth Rasiley’ ‘Anarkali Disco Chali’ and ‘Munni Badnaam’ among others.
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