Rahul Vaidya and Disha Parmar exchanged wedding vows on July 16 in an intimate wedding in Mumbai. The same night the lovebirds hosted a grand wedding reception party and that was followed by a post-wedding sangeet ceremony which took place last night. Rahul and Disha’s wedding festivities will be remembered for time to come, after all, everyone had a blast.
The couple’s industry friends like Rakhi Sawant, Rashmi Desai, Jasmin Bhasin, Aly Goni, and Arshi Khan, among several others were seen having a gala time at their post-wedding sangeet.
For their sangeet, Rahul wore a black designer blazer while his wife Disha looked resplendent in a blue lehenga. The couple made a grand entry at their sangeet and blew away everyone’s mind with their sassy moves on hit Bollywood numbers.
Have a look at their entry below:
Rahul then went on to perform on Kedarnath song ‘Sweetheart’. While his BFF Aly Goni and Vindu Dara Singh danced on ‘Khali Bali’ song. Rahul also gave a beautiful performance with his lovely wife.
Just look at how fabulous Disha looked at her sangeet night.
You can check out some other stunning inside pics and videos from Dishul’s sangeet night below:
Rakhi Sawant and Pavitra Punia raised the entertainment question at Dishul’s sangeet with their antics.
Here are lovebirds Jasmin and Aly being all cute and mushy.
Newlyweds Disha and Rahul made sure everyone had a great time at their sangeet. And it was sheer delight to see Disha letting her hair down and enjoying her special day the most.
For more such interesting updates, stay tuned to Bollywood Bubble.
Also Read: Rahul Vaidya REVEALS what happened on his first night with wife Disha Parmar; watch hilarious video
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