On August 21, actor couple Jay Bhanushali and Mahhi Vij welcomed their first child into the world. The couple were blessed with a lovely daughter and naturally, they are on cloud nine these days.
Jay and Mahhi shared the news with their followers on the social media handles, they even asked their fans to suggest names for their daughter. Looks like the couple has finally found the name.
Today taking to their Instagram handles, both Jay and Mahhi shared a beautiful video with their daughter and also revealed her name. Sharing the video, Mahhi wrote, “We are blessed beyond measure to announce the name of our sweet and lovely little angel TARA JAY BHANUSHALI. Never in our lives have our hearts felt this incredible amount of joy. Thank you to my insta family”
You can check out her post below:
Proud father Jay also shared the same video, and wrote, “First of all thank you all for the blessing and good wishes for my baby..more than 20 thousand comments and finally me and @mahhivij have finally decided her name so please welcome “TARA JAY BHANUSHALI” star of our eyes and my life”
Tara is a lovely name…isn’t it? In case you are wondering what it means well, Tara means ‘Star’ in Sanskrit.
We wish the new parents all the happiness in the world. And stay tuned more such adorable posts of the couple’s bundle of joy Tara.
Also Read: New parents Jay Bhanushali and Mahhi Vij return home with their baby girl – view pics
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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