Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover had an ugly fallout on social media. Post which, Sunil Grover walked out of Kapil’s show. As a result, the ratings of the show were affected and the show had to be taken off air.
Kapil too went through a hard time and was battling depression. He was finding it difficult to kick the bottle. Thankfully, Kapil recovered and got married to Ginni Chatrath. His show is now back on air and the ratings are also good.
Recently, while promoting ‘Angry Birds’ Hindi version, Kapil Sharma was asked about his equation with Sunil Grover. “I think I have become more mature now and after marriage, I think everyone becomes cool,” he said.
We are sure that Kapil Sharma is not a man to hold any grudges. Earlier, in an interview with The Times Of India, Sunil had said, “Sunil and I have known each other for long even before we started working together on ‘Comedy Nights With Kapil’ or ‘TKSS’ and our bonding and chemistry reflected on-screen when we worked together. We have partied a lot together. We bonded really well even during the live shows and he is such a happy person to be with. I have really enjoyed hanging out with him. On the show, yes, definitely I miss him, but then it is not in my hand. Things like this happen in life, but the show must go on. And now even he is busy with his work and I am caught up with mine, we hardly get time to meet each other. But there’s no love lost as we stay in contact through messages.”
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