Karan Kundrra has been in the headlines lately for his alleged breakup with anchor and actress Anusha Dandekar. Amidst these rumours, Karan has sent his fans into a frenzy as he announced a live session with his ex-girlfriend Kritika Kamra and actress Pooja Gor. However, the actor was trolled as a user called him a ‘lady’. He had slammed the troll then and there, but now Karan has made a video and put it out where he addresses the whole issue and the mentality behind calling a guy a ‘lady’.
It all began when Karan took to his Instagram handle to share the news with his fans that he will be going live with Kritika and Pooja. Sharing pictures he wrote, “Due to heavy demand and some death threats ?? me and @kkamra are going live on Instagram tonight at 6pm oh and gujju @poojagor will be available in the comments ?? #kitanimohabbathai (sic).” Have a look at the pic here:
Now a troll was on another trip as he looked past the post and called Karan a ‘lady’ by commenting that there are actually three ladies in the picture. To which, Karan hit back with a savage reply, as he wrote, “ya..bro and I have no problem with you calling me that. In fact, I’ll be proud!! The most powerful thing to do in this world is to be a lady!…I’m sure your mum and your sisters are proud of you! (sic).” Have a look at his reply:
Karan Kundrra has now addressed the issue of how people think that calling a guy a girl is actually demeaning when it is not. Here’s the video:
Karan captioned the video as, “No I’m not affected by the comment.. Everyone gets that kind of negativity around so don’t target the guy but yes I’m affected by the mentality and that needs to be targeted.. changed and thrown in the dustbin.. not everyone is going to agree with me and no I’m not trying to offend anyone!! I know a lot of you who care about me will say ‘just ignore’ again it’s not the comment it’s the ‘soch’ (sic).”
Now isn’t that the best way to shut down trolls? Kudos to Karan. And coming to back to his relationship with Anusha, the actor has clearly stated that they have not broken-up. They even went on to do a virtual dating thing amidst the lockdown.
For more such interesting updates, you guys stay tuned to this space.
Also Read:Â Anusha Dandekar & Karan Kundrra quash breakup reports with virtual dating video
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