On Thursday, Actor Karan Mehra held a press conference where he went all out and about his ugly spat with his estranged wife Nisha Rawal. He went on to say that Nisha had an extramarital affair with ‘muh bola bhai’ – rakhi brother, Rohit Sathia. He revealed that Nisha has been tying rakhi to Rohit for the past 14 years and has even done Kanyadaan at their wedding. Moreover, he even accused Nisha of physically assaulting him.
During the press conference, the Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai actor said, “Nisha is staying with another man in my house, we have produced the proofs in the court and that is why I am talking here today. Nisha Rawal, who isn’t divorced yet, is having an extramarital affair. Rohit Sathia is her ‘munh-bole bhai’ of 14 years, who also did her ‘kanyadaan’. I didn’t have proof back then, that’s why I didn’t say anything.” He also mentioned that they haven’t divorced each other as the paperwork is still under process.
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“Rohit is a chain smoker, consumes alcohol, gutka paan, which I have never done. He is staying at my house with Nisha and my little son is present in the same house, which is morally questionable on many levels. I never did this and as a father what can I do? That’s the reason I am fighting for the custody of my child. I have no access to my child. Rohit’s daughter ties rakhi to Kavish. Everyone (relatives) knows this and these two kids are involved, what will we tell them? I am fighting for the truth, I will go for it,” Karan further added.
Responding to these accusations, Nisha Rawal told Pinkvilla, “I am not commenting anything on it. I know he did a press conference, and I can’t keep countering every statement that he makes.”
Also read: Nisha Rawal makes SHOCKING revelation of kissing another man while she was married to Karan MehraÂ