Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (YRKKH) actor Karan Mehra was arrested yesterday by the Mumbai Police after his wife Nisha Rawal filed a complaint of assault against him. The actor is out on bail and made some shocking allegations against his wife. A lot of revelations about the couple’s troubled married life. Fans who believe in the image that Karan holds as Naitik from YRKKH are yet to find it hard to believe the allegations made by Nisha Rawal. But, apparently, Nisha Rawal and Karan Mehra had issues in their marriage a year after they tied the knot. Munisha Khatwani, who is a close friend of the couple, said that the duo was set to get divorced in 2015 itself after Karan had beaten Nisha black and blue.
In an exclusive chat with is, Munisha told Bollywood Bubble, “First of all, I’d like to clarify that I have known this story for years. It’s not something that it just happened last night. I know from the beginning that they have been having issues, I know that Nisha has been a part of domestic violence, unfortunately. I have seen her pictures where she was beaten black and blue in 2014, her eyes everything swollen up. I’m not at liberty to share those pictures, but they have been shared with the police. The incident that happened last is not fabricated, we went to the hospital also just now a couple of hours back. We just clarified with the doctors as well that is it possible that anyone can do this to themselves and the doctors said that it’s impossible because her skull is cracked from her forehead to the middle of her head. Nisha has to go through a procedure tomorrow and the entire day she will be admitted in the hospital under local anaesthesia.”
Munisha further added, “Today she has been very bad, it is too much pressure for her. She has had to give cops statement and there have been cops at her house.” Talking about people questioning Munisha about picking sides in a situation like this, Munisha said, “I was one of the few people who went for their wedding in Delhi in 2013. 2014 was the first time she was a victim of domestic violence and I have seen that. 2015 she lost her child uske baad yeh sab hua. In 2015, their marriage was coming to a complete end, like they were getting divorced. She said she didn’t want to continue to which Karan really tried and made amends. Nisha is very soft-hearted so she just forgave him. This abuse kept on happening time and again. It was not as violent as the first time, but a slap here and there, a punch in the stomach, being pushed over; these are still not acceptable.”
Check out the full conversation HERE:Â