Actor Karanvir Bohra has been booked by the Mumbai police for duping a 40-year-old woman. A case has been registered against the actor for allegedly duping the woman of over Rs 1 crore, after promising her a return interest of 2.5%. As per the reports, Karanvir Bohra and five others have been booked for allegedly cheating the woman of Rs 1.99 crore. The case against the six, including Karanvir has been filed at the Oshiwara Police station, in Mumbai.
Taking to their official Twitter handle, ANI made a tweet and informed about the case against Karavir Bohra. The report mentioned that the woman who accused Karanvir of cheating claimed that when she asked for the return amount, the actor and his wife, Tajinder Sidhu, aka Teejay Sidhu, did not respond well. The report stated that the 40-year-old woman claimed that the celebrity couple threatened to shoot her too.
According to the report, “Case registered against 6 people including actor Manoj Bohra alias Karanvir Bohra for allegedly cheating a 40-year-old woman of Rs 1.99 crores after promising to return it at 2.5% interest; woman claimed that only an amount of over Rs 1cr was returned: Oshiwara PS”Â
Take a look at the tweet below:
Maharashtra | Case registered against 6 people including actor Manoj Bohra alias Karanvir Bohra for allegedly cheating a 40-year-old woman of Rs 1.99 crores after promising to return it at 2.5% interest; woman claimed that only an amount of over Rs 1cr was returned: Oshiwara PS
— ANI (@ANI) June 15, 2022
Another follow-up tweet in the case further added, “The woman also claimed that when she asked for the amount, Bohra & his wife Tajinder Sidhu did not respond properly & threatened to shoot her. Police have started an investigation & will soon record their statements: Oshiwara Police Station.”
Check out the tweet below:
The woman also claimed that when she asked for the amount, Bohra & his wife Tajinder Sidhu did not respond properly & threatened to shoot her. Police have started an investigation & will soon record their statements: Oshiwara Police Station
— ANI (@ANI) June 15, 2022
Meanwhile, Bohra was last seen in the show Lock Upp. He was a contestant on the show and entered the house twice. The actor was eliminated a few weeks before the winner of the show was announced.