Superstar Amitabh Bachchan is currently busy with his show Kaun Banega Crorepati 13. A new promo of the season 13 episode was shared on social media recently. The channel shared the video on the official Instagram account. In the video, host Amitabh Bachchan asked the producer to cut the show. The actor reacted after a contestant, a Kathak teacher named Namrata Shah, flirted with him. Big B told the producer to cut the show short as he wanted to go out for a cup of tea with the contestant on the hot seat.Â
The promo video started with Sr Bachchan telling Namrata Shah that she looked beautiful. He even complimented her necklace. Moving on, Namrata asked if she could address Amitabh Bachchan as ‘Amit Ji’. Reacting to the same, Big B asked her to just call him ‘Amit’.Â
Later, Amitabh Bachchan continued, “Producer ji, yeh karyakram bandh karo, mujhe Namrata ji ke saath chai peene jaana hai (please stop the show, I want to go out for a cup of tea with Namrata).“
Take a look at the video below:Â
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The promo of Kaun Banega Crorepati 13 was shared, with the caption, “Tutenge AB ji se flirt karne ki hadde saari aur woh bitayenge Namrata ji ke saath kuch pyaar bhare pal! Yeh anokha moment mat karna miss. Toh dekhte rahiye #KaunBanegaCrorepati, Mon – Fri, raat 9 baje, sirf Sony par. (sic)”
Meanwhile, Amitabh Bachchan has been hosting KBC since years now. The actor has managed to entertain everyone with his sense of humour and wit. It was only recently that Deepika Padukone and Farah Khan made an appearance on the show. Olympics Gold medalist, Neeraj Chopra was also welcomed on the show by Sr Bachchan.