Actress Nikki Tamboli, who is currently seen in the reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi 11, has decided to not celebrate her birthday this year onwards. The actress whose birthday is on 21st August reveals the reason behind not celebrating. Earlier this year, Nikki lost her brother Jatin Tamboli and the entire family went into a state of distress. But lately, with the support of her friends and family, she got back in front of the camera. Due to the love and affection, she has for her brother, she has decided not to celebrate her birthday.
She shared this story on her Instagram saying, “I really would like to request all my Nikkians, my fans and friends to not send me any cakes or pastries on my birthday or before my birthday as I have decided to not cut cakes on my birthday from now on till years to come. I recently lost my brother and the next day is Rakhi, so I really hope you’ll respect my decision and rather pray for my brother’s soul, help the people in need and feed those who actually needs it. Thank you!”
In the first week of Khatron Ke Khiladi, she had aborted three tasks and was eventually evicted. Her elimination was shocking and so was her return on the show. last weekend we saw Nikki Tamboli making a comeback. She was given a ‘second chance’ by the makers and seemed very determined this time around. She was excellent in her first stunt after her comeback. Rohit Shetty and many contestants encouraged her during the show.