Kuch Toh Hai starring Harsh Rajput and Krishna Mukherjee premiered yesterday (February 7, 2021) on Colors TV. It is a spin-off of Naagin 5, which starred Surbhi Chandna and Sharad Malhotra in the leads. After Nazar, Harsh has yet again stepped into the world of supernatural beings with Kuch Toh Hai. In an exclusive conversation, we asked Harsh about his character Rehan, how he prepped up for it, and his excitement for the show. We also asked if he was apprehensive about doing a supernatural drama back-to-back owing to typecast issues.
About his role in Kuch Toh Hai, Harsh shared, “Rehan’s character is completely different from what I’ve done in the past in my career. I play the character of an ‘Adishat’ who has long teeth, possesses some superpowers, and is also very fast. Adishat is considered to be one of the most powerful living creatures. I have never played such a character before, and I had to anyhow grab this interesting opportunity.”
Ask him how he prepared for justifying Rehan onscreen, Harsh shared, ‘I have undergone special training to suit my role. I have lost around 7 kgs in the last month and was on a strict 80:20 diet, wherein I consumed 80% proteins and 20% fats. I also indulge in a rigorous workout for 2 hours daily. Also, I’ve tried to enhance Rehan’s character with a personal touch. From his body language to his looks and talking style, I’ve tried to experiment to bring out the best.”
Check out Harsh Rajput’s new post for Kuch Toh Hai here:Â
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Sharing his excitement to be a part of the popular Naagin franchise, Harsh said, “I’m very very excited. Naagin is one of the biggest franchises, and I’m going to be a part of it now. I am grateful to get this opportunity. Working with Ekta (Kapoor) ma’am and the team is huge, and I’m damn excited.”
Ask him if he finds playing negative or grey shade characters difficult, Harsh said, ‘Rather than portraying the negative phenomenon, I would say, it is the emotion that has to be played correctly. Whether the emotion is negative or positive, if you give 100% to what the emotion is all about, I don’t think there’s going to be any problem with the character being negative or positive.”
This is the second time Harsh is seen in a supernatural show, after Nazar. When asked if he feared being stereotyped, Harsh asserted, “I never had that thought that I will be typecast. Somewhere I feel that whole typecast conversation is gone now. Because there are so many mediums coming around, there is no typecast happening anymore. Today actors can do web also, they try their hands at films also after doing TV. So, I don’t think there is anything called typecasting in this age.”
“Also, I always wanted to work with Ekta (Kapoor) ma’am. So, I couldn’t say no to her obviously. I wanted to work with the biggest creator of Indian Television and I’ve finally got a chance to do it,” Harsh concluded.