Zee TV’s popular show Kundali Bhagya never fails to entertain the audience. The dramatic twists and turns keep audiences glued to the seats. Starring Shraddha Arya as Preeta and Dheeraj Dhoopar as Karan, Kundali Bhagya has left the audience shock with its recent twist. Akshay’s murder and Mahesh’s recovery have brought turned tables.
Recently, we saw that Mahesh is recovered, and Janki and Sarla get to know about it through Girish. Sarla wanted Mahesh to expose Sherlyn in front of everyone. She planned to bring Sherlyn’s true colors before everyone so that Preeta could live peacefully in Luthra mansion. Mahesh tells everyone that someone tried to murder him. He questions Karan about the person who is trying to harm the Luthras. Karan and others in the family think that Mahesh is telling all this as he worried and stressed. Meanwhile, Karan helps Mahesh to relax.
Suddenly, Mahesh sees Sherlyn and gets a flashback of the torture she had done to him. He even looked at Mahira and was able to recall the incident where she pushed him to the stairs. Before he points at them, he feels dizzy and faints, falling down on the floor. Soon after Mahesh fell, Rakhi took him to the room where the Doctor comes in for Mahesh’s check-up. The doctor told everyone that Due to the side effects of the medicines, Mahesh has lost his memories.
Preeta in trouble in Kudali Bhagya:Â
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Now, in the upcoming episode of Kundali Baghya, we will see Prithvi and Sherlyn’s new strategy. They will get to know that the hotel where Akshay’s murder took place was under CCTV cameras. The two get stressed about it. Meanwhile, Preeta is also afraid about the same and talks to Kritika about CCTV cameras. Prithvi after getting to know about CCTV footage will delete it. Preeta will learn about the same and will wonder who did that.
Will Akshay’s murderer will be revealed? Will Karan will be able to save Preeta? Only time will tell.