Television actor Gunjan Utreja of ‘Madhubala: Ek Ishq Ek Junoon’ fame tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend Deepika in a hush-hush ceremony. The actor’s industry friends like Akriti Kakar, Aparshakti Khurana, and Maniesh Paul attended the lavish wedding. Gunjan has hosted shows like ‘Aamna Saamna’ and ‘The Voice’ to name a few.
Gunjan and Deepika exchanged the wedding vows in an intimate wedding ceremony in the presence of their close friends and extended family. The actor is yet to share any pictures from his marriage, however, thanks to his close friends we caught hold of several inside pictures and videos from his intimate yet lavish wedding.
Sharing a picture of her close friend Gunjan from his wedding, singer Akriti wrote, “Duniyaaaaa walon !!!! Another bachelor down @gunjanutreja is getting marrrrriiiiieeeeeed. Soooo excited for the happier times for him and a Deepika.”
Dressed in a navy blue sherwani and paired with a red pheta, Gunjan looked all the more handsome than he usually does.
Actor Ssumier S Pasricha too shared a picture with the Dulhe Raja.
Gunjan reshared several posts of his friends on his Insta stories. Aparshkati and Maniesh were seen dancing like there’s no tomorrow and everyone had a gala time at Gunjan’s wedding.
You can check out some of the beautiful moments of his wedding below:
For the unversed, this is Gunjan’s secret marriage. As per a report in Times of India, the actor was earlier married to Pallavi. They parted ways after seven years of marriage.
We wish Gunjan and Deepika a blissful life ahead. And hope Gunjan shares some pictures from his stunning wedding.
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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