Mai Hero Boll Raha Hu starring Parth Samthaan has been in the news for the longest time. Parth had been shooting day in and out for the show which will put him in a different light. Parth Samthaan will play a gangsta hero in the series which has finally gotten a release date. Announcing the release date with an intriguing teaser, Parth wrote, “Bambai me aaya ek dost, dost ko salaam thhoko! Kyunki, Mumbai will now be ruled by Nawab ? Miliye apne hero se, jald hi #MaiHeroBollRahaHu trailer out on 6th April. Show streaming on 20th April on @altbalaji and @Zee5premium.”
For the show, Parth had to undergo a lot of physical changes too. The teaser for it is enough to leave Parth fans excited. The trailer will be out on April 6, as per the announcement. Main Hero Boll Raha Hu is an action drama set in the nineties, which follows a young man, Nawab, who was forced to escape from his hometown.
Here’s how Parth Samthaan revealed the teaser of Main Hero Boll Raha Hu:Â
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The series is full of twists and turns and, above all, entertainment. The series talks of love, loyalty, betrayal, action, and a ‘Hero’ at the center of it all, a.k.a Nawab played by the talented Parth Samthaan, himself. The other cast in the show includes famous faces like Patralekha, Arshin Mehta, Arsalan Goni, Ganesh Yadav, among others.
Earlier, Parth was seen in Kasautii Zindagii Kay where he played Anurag. His pairing with Erica Fernandes was much loved by the fans. Between shoot and vacations in Goa, Parth has been making sure to leave his fans excited with his upcoming projects. Before lockdown, Parth had even hinted at his Bollywood debut project but with COVID spike, things have been pushed ahead.