Shweta Tiwari who rose to fame after her role in ‘Kasautii Zindagii Kay’ is set to return on the small screen with her new show ‘Mere Dad Ki Dulhan’. The actress was last seen in the TV show ‘Begusarai’ in 2016. On Daughter’s Day yesterday, Shweta’s daughter Palak Tiwari released the first promo of the show starring Shweta and Varun Badola and it has got fans very excited.
Shweta Tiwari’s daughter Palak Tiwari took to her Instagram to reveal the teaser on the occasion of Daughters Day. She wrote, “@shweta.tiwari will always always be my favourite person to watch on screen which makes me super duper excited for this!!!!! Here’s the teaser for #meredadkidulhan ????? @sonytvofficial (sic).”
In the teaser, Varun Badola is shown as a single father who shares a really close bond with his daughter. In comes, Shweta Tiwari literally crashing into their life. She gets into a minor accident as she hits a car. That leads to a tiff between the two leads. The story revolves around a daughter who takes it upon herself to find a partner for her father as she realises how lonely he is.
Stay tuned to this space for more updates and gossip from the world of Bollywood and Television.
Also Read: Raja Chaudhary holds ex-wife Shweta Tiwari ‘responsible’ for daughter’s molestation