Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai star Mohena Kumari Singh who has a son has welcomed her second baby, a daughter. Though she has not officially announced the arrival of her baby girl, Mohena Singh fan club shared a video on Instagram where she got a warm welcome at home. The Princess of Reva was seen cutting a pink colour cake along with her husband Suresh Rawat and son Ayaansh. Moreover, another video showed her baby girl in a basket while the relatives blessed the child.
Mohena Kumari Singh celebrates as she welcomes second baby
There’s a family picture on social media after she comes home. We get to see Mohena sitting while her family members pose for a perfect click.
Mohena Kumari Singh announces her second pregnancy
shared a beautiful dancing video to announce her second pregnancy. She wrote, “I used to listen to this track during my last pregnancy while I waited for Ayaansh to arrive into this world, hoping it will all be as blissful as the song promises. After having experienced the birth of my first child these words made more sense to me. Ayaansh coming into our life has beautified and enriched our lives. I wanted to make these words come to life through movement as I wait for the arrival of the new bundle of joy.“
Mohena Kumari Singh is known for her role as Keerti Singhania in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. She quit TV back in 2019 and got settled with her husband Suresh after marriage.
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