Dancer-actor Mohena Kumari Singh tied the knot to her fiance Suyesh Rawat on October 14, 2019, in Haridwar. It was a royal wedding attended by celebs, their close friends and families. Earlier Mohena’s fan clubs shared the pictures and videos from her wedding. But now the newlywed has shared many unseen pictures from her big day.
She shared a few pictures of her with her dad and captioned it as, “The pillar of my identity. The Root of my existence. My Father. You are my everything.”
Mohena also shared a few pictures from her wedding ritual where her husband was seen putting sindoor on her maang and tying the mangalsutra around her neck. “Once in a lifetime. Feeling. I am grateful. To all”, she captioned them.Â
Mohena also penned emotional posts for her brother and sister-in-law. Sharing a few candid moments with her brother, Divyaraj Singh Rewa, she captioned them, “There is nothing I can say to you that will help me express my love for you. It’s just a conversation we leave for the eyes and heart”.Â
Mohena looked drop-dead gorgeous in a red Rajputana bridal wear paired with traditional jewellery. Her bindi, matha patti, maang teeka, nath, chooda accentuated her look.
Earlier, while talking about her lehenga, Mohena told Times Of India, “My entire wedding trousseau has been finalized by my sister-in-law Yuvrani Vasudhara Raj Lakshmi and by my mother Maharani Ragini Singh. I am pretty much just going to pick up those bags and go to my new house.”
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Also Read: Mohena Kumari Singh looks breathtaking as a royal Rajput bride-view pics and videos