Naagin 5 starring Surbhi Chandna, Sharad Malhotra, and Mohit Sehgal went off-air suddenly on February 6. The show was replaced by its spin-off, Kuch Toh Hai. Harsh Rajput and Krishna Mukherjee joined hands for the first time onscreen. The show stars Harsh as Rehan and Krishna as Priya and took over the screens on February 7.
The first episode of the spin-off was received well by the viewers, but it failed to make it to the TRP list. Now, a piece of shocking news regarding Kuch Toh Hai has surfaced. According to the latest report in the Times of India, Kuch Toh Hai is under the scanner. Yes, the makers of Kuch Toh Hai: Naagin Ek Naye Rang Mein are already discussing pulling down the show within a month of its launch. Shocking, it’s it? But, nothing has been finalised yet.
The report further states that if the ratings of the show don’t go up and don’t get better, then it may wrap up by the end of this month. Not to miss, it is is a finite series, and generally, finite dramas run for around 3 to 4 months.
Here’s the latest update from Kuch Toh Hai:Â
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A source told the TOI that it is only been 5 to 6 episodes of the show, so it is too early to predict anything. “It is too early to predict that the show will go off air. But during the pandemic when quick decisions are taken about TV shows that do not find a good viewership, anything is possible,” the source stated.
The report also states that the cast and crew are aware of the buzz. They’re hoping that the ratings go up in the next couple of weeks. Well, only time will tell what’s the destiny of of the show. Meanwhile don’t forget to watch Harsh Rajput and Krishna Mukherjee’s chemistry in the supernatural drama.