The ex-couple of the TV industry, Madhurima Tuli and Vishal Aditya Singh have been having constantly impressing their fans as well as the judges with some of the power-packed performances on the dance reality show-‘Nach Baliye’ season 9. While both were recently spotted being nice to each other as Madhurima celebrated her birthday with Vishal recently. But now the duo is back in headlines but for all the wrong reasons. The actress gave a tight slap to her ex-boyfriend during the dance rehearsals for the show.
As per a report in Bollywoodlife, the couple who has been in the limelight have had a nasty fight in the rehearsal studio. After having an argument with each other, the actress gave a tight slap to Vishal in front of the crew members and choreographers present inside the studio. “The two started fighting in between the rehearsals and soon the verbal spat became a physical assault,” the onlooker told the portal. However, it’s still not clear why they have had such a massive brawl between their rehearsals.
While many believe that such types of dramas on the sets of reality shows are scripted, this massive fight doesn’t look like being one. The ex-couple is famously known for their stunning on-stage chemistry and power-packed performances, but sadly they were in the bottom two since the last couple of weeks with contestants such as Urvashi Dholakia and Anuj Sachdeva. However, they managed to survive the elimination rounds.
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Journalist by profession, having roots in Bollywood & Television. Perennially hungry for all thing Fashion. A good listener and attracted by the glitter of glamour world. I believe in maniacs…. Love, Smile & Blossom.
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