Neha Kakkar and Aditya Narayan are grabbing the headlines these days for their wedding reports. It all started when recently Neha and Aditya’s parents came on the sets of ‘Indian Idol 11’ and the latter’s parents expressed their interest to make Neha their ‘bahu’. Even the wedding card was shown and everyone was invited for Neha and Aditya’s wedding on February 14, 2020.
We have seen Neha and Aditya’s funny banter on the singing reality show. They pull each other’s legs and are a delight to watch. The recent pictures of Neha and Aditya hint that they are in love with each other. They posted their pictures showing their half heart gestures.
Have a look at the pictures of Neha and Aditya.
Neha captioned her picture, “#14th Feb ?”.Â
Aditya captioned the pic, “A part of my ?”
From Neha’s caption, we can make it out that she is hinting at their wedding. What do you think?
It seems like a prank right now. Let’s wait and watch till February 14 if they are actually getting married or not.
For the unversed, Neha was earlier in a relationship with actor Himansh Kohli but they parted ways. Neha was really heartbroken due to the break-up and she was often seen telling about it on social media. Also, many times she even turned emotional and broke down recalling her past relationship.
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Also Read: ‘Indian Idol 11’: Aditya Narayan’s parents want singer Neha Kakkar as their ‘bahu’