Actress Nia Sharma’s brother Vinay Sharma recently tied the knot in Delhi. The Naagin actress took to her Instagram handle to share glimpses from the wedding. She shared a few snaps from the ceremony where everyone was seen in a happy mood. Nia was dressed in a white lehenga and wore a pair of red stilettos. She wore a bold red lipstick shade to complete her look. Nia’s mother was in a white saree, her brother was in a white sherwani and her sister-in-law donned a light pink lehegna. The actress was part of each and every ritual from exchanging the garlands to being part of the baraat. She also seemed to have danced her heart out as a picture suggested so.
Sharing the pics from her brother’s wedding, Nia wrote, “And Like that, ‘TWO PEOPLE IN LOVE FOUND A WAY TO MAKE IT WORK. Nazar na lage @vinayyshrma #Mahak&Vinay #bhaikishaadi.”
Take a look at the pics here.
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The Jamai Raja actress also shared photos from the pre-wedding festivities. She posted pics of showing off her mehndi, and also gave a sneek peek into the haldi ceremony. Nia also shared a few solo pictures of her from the wedding.
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Nia Sharma was recently seen in a music video Phook Le.
In a recent interview with Bollywood Bubble, Nia opened up on trolls, being called unprofessional, shamed, TV tag & non-payment of dues.