Jamai Raja fame Nia Sharma is always on top of her Instagram game. The actress regularly posts her hot and beautiful pictures and grabs eyeballs. Recently, the Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai actress posted a hilarious video that will surely make you ROFL. In the video, Nia was seen falling into the water as she tried the daring water sport of jet blading.
Nia was seen smoothly riding the jet blade and then suddenly she lost her balance and fell into the water. The video is set to the tunes of the viral ‘Oh no Oh no’ song which made the actress’ post even more hilarious.
Truly the video is a must-watch and a treat for the eyes. Nia was seen wearing a bikini bottom along with a sports jacket in the video. Her chilled-out look gives you the perfect vacation vibes. Nia is known for living a carefree life and enjoying it to the fullest. Her bold pictures are always the talk of the town.
Sharing the video from her vacay, Nia captioned it as, “Enjoy the epic falls also.. ?(sic).”
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Recently, Nia was also in the news for her bold dance moves with her co-star Ravi Dubey. Their dance video went viral and became an internet sensation and fans really loved the duo together. Nia shares a very good bond with Ravi and the duo has worked together in Zee Tv’s show Jamai Raja. They were also seen together in the second season of the show titled Jamai Raja 2.0.
ALSO READ: Nia Sharma and Ravi Dubey nail the dance video but it is Sargun Mehta’s comment that got us ROFL