It was only yesterday when Jasmin Bhasin revealed the first look of her new song, Pani Di Gal, with Maninder Buttar. Fans went gaga over her ‘Punjabi Kudi’ look and were super excited for the song. And now, the wait is over. Jasmin Bhasin and Maninder Buttar’s song Pani Di Gal has finally released, today, April 1. Yes! Just a few moments ago, Pani Di Gal featuring Jasmin Bhasin and Maninder Buttar dropped, and our first reaction is, ‘awwww.’
Jasmin Bhasin and Maninder Buttar make for the cutest couple in Pani Di Gal. The song is set up amid a traditional marriage ceremony, where Jasmin and Maninder win hearts with their cute nok-jhok. Yes! Maninder tries to woo Jasmin to marry him. He goes all out to express his feelings for her, and convince her to be his loving wife. While Maninder promises to go miles for Jasmin, she teases him to test his loyalty.
Their sweet and sour bonding is the highlight of the peppy track. However, the best part is seeing Jasmin Bhasin speak fluent Punjabi. The actress has proved that she is a true-blue Punjabi Kudi with her traditional outfits and speaking skills. She looks beautiful in her ethnic outfits, while Maninder looks dapper throughout the video.
Check out Pani Di Gal ft. Jasmin Bhasin and Maninder Buttar here:
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Jasmin’s cute expressions will surely win your heart and will leave you in awe. The lyrics and music of Pani Di Gal are soothing, making you want to listen to it on loop. ‘Pani Di Gal’ is a part of the album Jugni​ by Maninder Buttar and Asees Kaur. How did you like Jasmin and Maninder’s chemistry in Pani Di Gal? Let us know.