Actor Pankhuri Awasthy Rode welcomed her twins on July 25, 2023, with her husband Gautam Rode. She was blessed with two babies – a daughter Radhya and a son Raditya. However, days later, Pankhuri and Gautam hosted a sweet birthday celebration for their twins and a few glimpses of the same were also shared on social media. But the one thing that left us awestruck was the first glimpse of their twins. Yes, this is the first time, Pankhuri and Gautam have revealed the faces of their twins.
Now, she has shared more pictures of her kids that she has clicked throughout the year. She backed the photos with an emotional note, sharing how her one year had been with her kids. She wrote, “Every time someone asked me how many kids I wanted, my answer was always that I wanted twins.. a boy and a girl ( or atleast I thought it). The day we found out that we were expecting twins, I knew that somehow I had manifested you both and lying half conscious in the OT, I asked Gautam numerous times before I could actually believe that it was Infact a Girl and a Boy!
“A year has passed, and it only seems like yesterday when I was talking to you both inside my tummy, fighting tiny little kick wars with each other! A minute apart but so distinct in your natures.Radhya, you are my soft cotton ball and my expression queen who gives the best hugs and loves to fight with daddy. Raditya, you are my curious little explorer with superhuman strength, energy, and agility that keeps us all on our feet”. She continued.
“Thank you for giving us our little family. Thank you for completing us! I couldn’t be more blessed and grateful to God for giving me both of you. Here’s to your one-year journey. Our hearts and hands are both full.” Pankhuri ended her note.
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